Message from our CEO

Message from our CEO

The Board of Directors and Executive Committee collaborate to bring life-changing innovation to address key unmet needs.

Sudeendra Kulkarni

Message from India CEO

“As a global biopharmaceuticals company Ferring is committed to serving our valued patients and customers in India and South Asian countries. It has been a passionate journey for us help building families by offering innovative solutions in reproductive medicine and maternal health space. Our approach is to facilitate every one to make their choice and provide necessary information to enable their choice.

Other areas of our focus have been in the space of Gastroenterology, Urology and Uro-Oncology, in each of this space we work closely with medical professionals in providing trusted medications to take care of and manage some of the high burden diseases. We strive to apply our expertise, curiosity and passion for pushing the boundaries of medical science and helping people live better lives.

In keeping with our science-driven approach and confidence in the power of research, we are also moving into new areas of technology and biology, employing recent breakthroughs in gene therapy and microbiome research.

We have partnered with other agencies/ players for improving access and bringing down the burden of diseases in our chosen areas of expertise, especially in areas such as reducing burden of maternal mortality due to PPH which is still seen very high in this part of the world.

All the above passionate work is possible due to our committed employees working relentlessly with our trusted values, along with  partners, medical professionals, regulatory agencies, communities and families.”

Sudheendra Kulkarni
CEO Ferring India and South Asia

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